Center, Group, Family
Providers of direct early child care and education services to children. (example: certified child care programs) Providers are classified as Family, Group or Center.Membership Fees
- Center $120/yr
- Multi-Site Centers $120 for first site and 10% discount for each additional site ($108/site)
- Group $70/yr
- Family $50/yr
Shared Services
- Alero Group offers a full suite of products and services, including employee benefits, insurance and HR services to help you manage your business.
- Cuties Care Discount Diapering program
- Exchange Magazine – discounted subscription & access to the Exchange portal
- Lillio (formerly HiMama) is more than a platform for family communication, with comprehensive center management tools, high-quality curriculum, and engaging professional development opportunities as part of our suite of solutions.
- Teaching Strategies Gold™ Discount – all program sites. This discount is limited to those programs contracted with TSI before FY 2021-2022
- Free job listings to PACCA job board, posting to Facebook, in e-news, etc.
- Listing in the Member Directory
Professional Development
- Free & discounted webinars – all staff
- Early Childhood Education Summit discount on conference registration for all staff
- Leadership opportunities through committee and board involvement -- all staff
- Support and guidance on business, operations and regulatory issues
- Networking with other providers sharing common interests and concerns
- Full access to our website including member’s only content -- all staff
- PACCA E-News
- PACCA on Facebook – Director’s Exchange and Twitter
Public Policy
- Legislative & Action Alerts
- White papers & Reports
- Lobbyist -- Legislative representation at the Capitol to ensure regulators and legislators understand how their decisions affect the child care industry
- Representation of child care providers with policymakers, on committees & task forces in Harrisburg and through its partners in Washington, DC
Member Rights
- Board of Directors voting privileges – member of record
Leadership Opportunities
- Committee participation
- Eligible for Board of Directors Membership